If your were born in rich family, congratulation wish you all the best.
However, if you did’t, welcome to the journey.
1- Define your dream lifestyle and goal
Clarify by 7 why ?
2- What is my top 5 values ?
3- Question: How to achieve that goal & dream ?
What kind of person do i need to become so i can achieve my goal & dream ?
What kind of skill do i need to possess so i can achieve my goal & dream ?
What kind of charisma & character do i have to possess so i can achieve my goal & dream ?
What kind of believe do i have to adopt so i can achieve my goal & dream ?
What kind of negative believe do i have to let go so i can achieve my goal & dream ?
What kind of people do i have to associate with so i can achieve my goal & dream ?
What action do i have to stop doing so i can achieve my goal & dream ?
What action do i have to start doing so i can achieve my goal & dream ?