You might spend thousands USD to access this information. now it’s a gift for you:
By John Assaraf
- Top 3 goals (finance & non financial goal) you want to achieve ? Deadline ?
- why you must achieve it ?
- Strategy to achieve ? Deadline ? When to review the process?
- Tactic to achieve each strategy? Dead line ? Who response? When to review the process ?
- Obstacle that hinder you to accomplish strategy & tactic above ?
- How do you overcome that obstacle?
Project planning templates Excel available for download
- Lost 5kg weight within 3 moths
- Exercise
- Diet plan
- Learning about nutrition
- Running 3km/day 3 days per week (mon-wed-fri) at 6am
- Self cooking or hire chef
- Appointment with nutrition expert on saterday first week
- Time too tight
- Laziness
- Tired
- No motivation
How to overcome obstacle
- Reschedule of daily routine
- Join club or team
- Eat banana before work out & enough warer
- Hire personal trainer
You are the commander of the ship of your life. Embrace it, seize it & conquer it. You can do it