A manager’s true success is measured by his or her ability and desired to help others more successful.”—Sam Walton

Great company is not only embraces a very high external customer service standard, but also deliver exceptional internal customer service.

Be a servant leader.

Lead by example “Never ask others to do what you yourself not willing to do.”

Apply golden rule “Treat others as you want to be treated.”

Treat your associates(staff) as a business partner, your manager as a coach(teacher), your client as a neighbor (boss).

Upside down management hierarchy: empower the associate who interact with client the most. The higher level manger serve help and support the associate. Power generated from the customer.

Communicate communicate communicate. either vision or work issue.

Develope and communicate your vision and mission to all associates.

Trust & believe in people.

Caring about your people. When you are in doubt let’s ask why you start your business?

Sharing wealth to those who helped you succeed.

Integrity: do whatever it takes of what you promised to do.

Embrace change, challenge the status quo. dare to fail & make experiment.

Keep on improving.

Catch employee doing thing right.

Create reward system tied to productivity goal.

Measure performance of each associates every day.

Training and developing associates.

Dealing with non performer and recognize the star.

Cross division training to prepare for future promoting.

Dealing with non performer and recognize the star.

Learn from every sources. learn from the best and innovate simultaneously.

Desire to win.

Competitive strategy plan & execute weekly.

Win together: business is like a team of sport you can’t win alone but together. Win or lose is depend on the quality of your people.

Total quality management, cut the cost, cut the wast, improve quality, efficiency, productivity then pass the saving & benefit to the final boss (customer).

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